Charlie Moonbaby was one of the bikers whom raided the Monroeville Mall towards the end of Dawn Of The Dead.
On the upper floor of the mall, he, Blades, Jack and Sledge tried to chase down Peter Washington. After the lights had been shut off, Moonbaby ran up and tried to aim his pistol at Peter. Peter acted quick and shot Moonbaby down with his sniper rifle. This caused Moonbaby to fall unconsious due to his injuries.
Later when the biker gang started retreating from the mall, Moonbaby woke up, but was surrounded and eaten alive by zombies.
Charlie Moonbaby is the epitome of someone who is not taking the zombie apocalypse serious. With his too cool for school attitude, he is decked out in a leather biker jacket and sunglasses that he sports at night time. It should be noted he also wears a Deacon Jones Football jersey. Being as Deacon Jones played for the LA Rams during the zombie outbreak and the fact the mall was located outside of Pittsburgh, Charlie Moonbaby is most likely sporting the jersey to look "LA Cool." Based on his actions, he appears to not view the zomibes as a threat. He was seen fighting the zombis in hand to hand combat in the mall raid, even though he had a firearm. During the raid, he mocked a zombie with a game of keep away and tossed pies at zombies in a manner reminiscent of the Three Stooges.
The biggest character flaw Charlie Moonbaby has is he often goes into dangersous situations half cocked. Besides engaging the zombies with his fist and getting dangersously close to them in battle (as seen when he continously pushes a zombie against a wall outside the mall) he was also engaged Peter in a shoot out armed with an old fashion revolver against Peter's much more powerful sniper rifle. Also, not knowing the lay-out of the mall and navigating in the dark due to a power outage at the mall, he wound up on the receiving end of Peter's rifle and subsequently ended up a quick meal by the army of the dead in the mall.
Charlie Moonbaby's remains are visable in a scene after the zombie munch out scene indicating he most likely did not reanimate as a zombie.